Highlight.io (YC W23) – Open-source, full stack web app monitoring

Hi Hacker News! We’re Jay and Vadim from Highlight.io (https://highlight.io). We’re building a truly open source [1] observability platform for modern web applications. We posted some of our tools to HN in recent months [2][3]. Today, we’re excited to formally launch the project, share more about where we’re going, and of course, poll the community for some feedback. A bit of background: Vadim and I have worked at quite a few startups at this point, and a recurring challenge we’ve faced was tracing usability issues on the frontend to downstream errors and logs on the server. Understanding the real reason behind customer issues was always a chaotic juggling of multiple tools. With the rise of "frontend-forward" frameworks such as NextJS, which blur the boundary between the client and server, the complexity of tracing these issues is only growing.

This is where Highlight.io comes in: our product bridges the gap between client and server to give you a holistic view of your entire application.

At its core, Highlight.io has three main “products”: Session Replay, Error Monitoring, and Logging. The novelty here is not in each product but in how they are connected. For example, in Highlight.io it’s very easy to click from a given error to the associated user session where it is thrown [4], and from a given error, you can easily inspect all of the logs that fired leading up to it. Ensuring that all of our products work together seamlessly with little to no effort is a core principle of our product strategy. If you’re using a common framework [5], for example, we’ll automatically link your frontend sessions with backend errors and logs. No agents, configuring facets, or anything else, It just works.

We depend on several open source projects that help us move quickly. OpenTelemetry (OTEL) [6] is one of them, which helps us with maintainability, i.e. for every language that we support, we only maintain a thin wrapper around its respective OTEL SDK. OTEL is also a great way to enable the community to contribute, and we’re already seeing traction in this space (ie. an open source contributor built a wrapper for a Java SDK [7]).

rrweb [8] is another project we leverage heavily for our session replay product. It drives our ability to record and replay the DOM to visualize user flows in the frontend. We’ve had the privilege to work closely with the rrweb team to ship improvements, and we’re now actively sponsoring the project [9].

ClickHouse [10] has recently become a loved database on our team, as we historically used Opensearch for search-heavy workloads and started to hit growing pains with ingest throughput. We recently rolled it out for our logging product [3] and plan to replace our sessions and errors (and upcoming tracing work) with the database as well.

From a business perspective, Highlight.io is open source under the Apache 2.0 license, and we make money with our hosted product [11]. For the hosted product, you can set billing caps for each offering and we don’t charge for seats. At this point, we have 100+ companies paying for our product (some of which are large enterprises), and thousands of sole developers use Highlight.io every week.

On our roadmap [12] for the future includes metrics, tracing, release management and more. We also are launching several updates this week on our launch week page [13].

Overall, we’re excited to be sharing Highlight.io with the world, and Vadim and I are particularly excited to get some feedback from the HN community. Please give us a test-drive at https://app.highlight.io and let us know what you think. We would love to learn about what you wish you had in an observability product as well as any other experiences and ideas in this space. We look forward to hearing from you!

1: https://github.com/highlight/highlight/blob/main/LICENSE

2: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34897645

3: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35643255

4: https://youtu.be/EvGsmbt0F7s?t=65

5: https://highlight.io/frameworks

6: https://opentelemetry.io/

7: https://github.com/highlight/highlight/pull/4812

8: https://github.com/rrweb-io/rrweb

9: https://github.com/rrweb-io/rrweb#gold-sponsors-

10: https://clickhouse.com/blog/overview-of-highlightio

11: https://highlight.io/pricing

12: https://www.highlight.io/docs/general/roadmap

13: https://highlight.io/launch-week-2

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andrey azimov by Andrey Azimov