Startup user statistics comparison 14 days post launch...

I’m curious if the HN community can give me a comparative sense for how we’re doing 14 days after launch (we needed five of those days to fix before our internal team started sharing it with their contacts). We’ve also utilized maybe 2% of the mass marketing approaches available to us, thus far.

The site is Kumbuya (

It’s early, but how do we stack up against sites that were successful? that weren’t successful? Right now, success for us is defined as securing a Series A investment.

If any other startup CEOs (current or former) could post similar statistics, and their subsequent target milestone (and if it was achieved), that would be great.

User Registrations: 548

Tribes (our communities): 494 Largest Tribe: 104 members Second Largest: 63 members

Average Tribe Size: 4.2 members

No. Tribes w/ 1 member: 184 No. Tribes w/ 2 members: 123 Average Tribe Size w/o Tribes w/1 or 2 members: 9

Total Posted Content: 1636 Total Posted Comments: 894

According to Google Analytics: Visits: 4,844 Unique Visitors: 2,969

Percentage of Visitors that Register: 18.5%

Pages per Visit: 6 Average Duration of Visit: 8:15

Bounce Rate: 45.7%

New Visitors: 58% Returning Visitors: 42%

Days Since Last Visit: 0 (4,282 w/ 25,354 page views) Days Since Last Visit: 1 (129 w/ 967 page views)

Visitors Never Returning: 109

Kumbuya offers community leaders (influencers) control over what businesses access their members (for the purpose of marketing, product sales, etc.) and the ability monetize their network in a respectful way. We offer businesses better targeting of existing (and new) marketing initiatives and the ability to build relationships with influencers.

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andrey azimov by Andrey Azimov