The site is Kumbuya (
It’s early, but how do we stack up against sites that were successful? that weren’t successful? Right now, success for us is defined as securing a Series A investment.
If any other startup CEOs (current or former) could post similar statistics, and their subsequent target milestone (and if it was achieved), that would be great.
User Registrations: 548
Tribes (our communities): 494 Largest Tribe: 104 members Second Largest: 63 members
Average Tribe Size: 4.2 members
No. Tribes w/ 1 member: 184 No. Tribes w/ 2 members: 123 Average Tribe Size w/o Tribes w/1 or 2 members: 9
Total Posted Content: 1636 Total Posted Comments: 894
According to Google Analytics: Visits: 4,844 Unique Visitors: 2,969
Percentage of Visitors that Register: 18.5%
Pages per Visit: 6 Average Duration of Visit: 8:15
Bounce Rate: 45.7%
New Visitors: 58% Returning Visitors: 42%
Days Since Last Visit: 0 (4,282 w/ 25,354 page views) Days Since Last Visit: 1 (129 w/ 967 page views)
Visitors Never Returning: 109
Kumbuya offers community leaders (influencers) control over what businesses access their members (for the purpose of marketing, product sales, etc.) and the ability monetize their network in a respectful way. We offer businesses better targeting of existing (and new) marketing initiatives and the ability to build relationships with influencers.